Sugar Cookies

When I decorate cookies or bake cookíes for others to decorate, I have a go-to recipe. A recipe yielding delicious buttery cookies, that doesn’t spread while baking. I posted the recipe a long time ago, but never got around to translating it. So, with some time on hand (and my …

Peanut Butter Truffles

Did you have a nice christmas? I did. I spent a very nice, not-at-all-stressful-because-of-the-thing-with-the-mouse-in-the-christmas-tree-and-the-cat-deciding-to-scratch-the-inside-of-my-nose, evening at my parents house. Seriously, we weren’t stressed out at all, not even when

Cinnamon Wreath

My boyfriend brought this to a lecture recently. Or rather, he was supposed to bring cake, but he happened to be in Sicily attending summer school, so someone had to be responsible for bringing cake. And who could that be? Well, me. So, I made a cinnamon wreath, kind of …

Chocolate Chip Biscuits

These are a spin on my grandmothers 1,2,3-cookies, with little pieces of chocolate. 100 g sugar 200 g butter 300 g flour 200 g chocolate, chopped or grated. Beat the butter with the sugar and flour, and mix in the chocolate. Form logs and chill ’em, slice ‘en and bake ’em at …