Raspberry Jam

Jam can be difficult and jam can be easy. I prefer the easy kind, and this recipe really is. It only keeps a couple of days in the fridge, but can be frozen. I usually just make the amount I need :)

100 gĀ raspberries (you can use frozen, or substitute with blackberries)

100 g sugar

The berries and the sugar are placed in ovenproof dishes. Place the dishes in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius, and leave them there 25 minutes. Remove the dishes from the oven, and pour the know hot sugar over the berries. Mix thouroughly with a fork, until the berries are decomposedĀ to the level you prefer. Pour the jam into a sterilized glas, and let it cool before placing in the fridge. To spice up the jam, add dry spices (star anise, vanille seeds, cardamom) along with the sugar or liquid stuff (rum, gin, extracts) to the jam before pouring into glasses.


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