Don Rosa Cookies

By the time this post goes live, I should be standing in line, waiting to see Don Rosa at the Art Bubble Comic Festival in Copenhagen.


I have loved Don Rosas stories since I was a child, and his collected works have a place in our living room bookcase, along with other ‘important’ books. (The rest of our books are in my office, we don’t have room for another bookcase in the living room)

I decided that the opportunity to meet Don Rosa was an excellent reason to make cookies, and settled on making cookies with the motives from Don Rosas “The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck”. The cookies are my regular Sugar Cookies with royal icing.

I found the motives on the internet (thank you google), printed them out and traced them unto wafer paper with an edible marker. Som of the drawings are very detailed, they were not printed very big and wafer paper only has limited transparency, so my tracings are not perfect, and I can see ALL the little mistakes! But I didn’t have time to do them over (and I wasn’t sure it would turn out better), so I decided to keep going, and add them to the cookies.

Then I discovered that I didn’t have a cutter in an appropriate size, but managed to find one that could be used, if not with a perfect result. After baking the cookie, I realized I was almost out of icing sugar, so the cookies have a thinner layer of icing than I would usually use, which also gives a slightly more shabby look than I was going for.

But for cookies where all sorts of stuff went wrong, I actually kind of love them, mistakes and all :)








Seeing Don Rosa in Europe is, as I understand it, not an easy feat. He is immensely popular, and a lot of people want to meet him, so I hope I will succeed tomorrow!

Wish me luck!



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